Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Naughty Love Affairs!

Do I seem like the kind of person people like to tell all their naughty secrets to?!

Well apparently I do. I won't mention names, but a certain little person keep bugging me and showing me pictures of a certain mistress on their phone. I really don't want to know about your love affairs. Especially if I get nothing out of it in a sexy nature. Saying that your other isn't an honest person doesn't really make it okay for you to cheat on them. I don't have much experience with love or relationships. All I really know is that it's not as easy and fun as many make it appear to be. Most people are so conditioned to believe that the goal in life is to be tied down to one person, and make babies. Gurlll, who you kidding?! I'm not falling for that for a ghetto second. It's hard enough to keep good friends happy. There is only so much one Richard can do, and having babies isn't one of them. Though I will admit I like fat Asian babies. That's it!! but not too far because that is just sad.

I should update on more sexually funny things, but I went emo for a second. I don't even have one person let alone another one to cheat on with. :( It's only fun till your ass gets caught and then stabbed. Just saying because if you cheat on me you would get your ass cut the fuck up! Bitch, don't be play, playing with my heart! haha for REAL, REAL!!

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