Sunday, June 17, 2012

AM2 Host Sho-chan!!

UPDATE!!! Sho has been working late nights as a host! His job is to "entertain" his guest by playing "games" and "dancing" I use quotations to make it more interesting than it really is. This weekend I infiltrated AM2 much like Black Widow from the Avengers, but I looked much better in my red wig than Scarlett Johansson. I will give everyone small taste of the full ground breaking coverage of Sho gone wild as we uncover the "relationships" that he has with the other host. Stay tuned for a video clip if his 1st performance!

What will he be "Sho"wing you after hours?

UPDATE!! I have a couple videos of the famous Sho-Chan. Is he really that shy? I have proof on inter host relationships that will set the female loins ablaze. Which one do you prefer Sho-chan with? Hmmmmmm....

Do you prefer shy Sho with the cutesy cat ear host or the more dominating bitchy taller host? So many options....

Allegedly Sho has been dating a maid! What? I don't believe this one bit as the two have no spark or connection at all even with this candid shot.

More to come as I go undercover as Yellow Widow, and infiltrate real deep into the underground Maid/Host Cafe. REAL DEEP!!


Anonymous said...

I am SO down to follow this! Please bring us as much information and theories as you can!!! <3

Rich$Con said...

I will try my best to keep you all updated!!