Tuesday, June 21, 2005

B-day! not D-day! or was it?

Wow! it has been soo long since I have updated my blog huh? I blame school and Oprah for all of this.

I had my b-day party last Sat. and that was a lot of fun. Of Course after telling Sam to come at 2:00pm he comes right at 12:00pm just when I wake up. He comes with many bags of ramen noodles called Smack, many small cans of mixed vegetables, and two boxes of fudge pops. Also three dollars for my b-day (he charged me 2 bucks for buying onion dip). Ohh the good times! when do they ever end?

Kris: brought two packages of yummy garlic bread, which I have now eaten all of it.

Leslie: brought with her a lasangna (can't spell it)

David: he made Leslie say that he helped with buying the cupcakes, but didn't want to, but eventually did after she said she wouldn't say he did if he didn't chip in like the cheap ass he is. lol

Pam and Heather: 3 Medium Pizzas, bag of sun chips, and two bags of candy.

Allen and Anthony: noooooooOOOoo FOOD AT ALLL!!!!!! OMG!!!! bitches!! no tamales or anything.

On other news we played a great game of Carnium and Leslie and myself wiped the floor with everone else and made sure they knew it. GO TEAM GREEN!!!

also I got shoot in the nose by the toy gun Anthony gave me by Allen.

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