Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Food Round Up!

Soooooo much food, but sooooo very little time, and money. Here are some pics of the food from the past few weeks. There are many more, but that will be for another post. HUNGRY!! I also had homemade Spam musubis by Dustin and  an okonomiyaki by David this weekend! My camera was in the car though :( But there were both delicious! I will warn you to never... NEVER eat at Nordstrom's Cafe!! I had never tasted shuch bad pasta and pot roast. That shitty overpriced food ruined my day!! Especially when we got caught in that horrible 3 hour standstill on the 60W freeway right after.

Inaris made by David and Dustin.

My 1st attempt at sushi making!

Looks beautiful and tasted like sex in your mouth! Must of been the eel....

A delicious sweet potato pizza from Love Letter. We also had fried chicken to go with it.

Don't be fooled by my wonderful pics taking skills. This was the world's most bland ramen!!

OMG!!! I'll eat eel all day everyday if I could.

I added so much seasoning to make it edible. SOOOO MUCH SEASONING!

Yummy smore cupcake! Held by our very own hand model Dustin!

My tres leches cupcake! Nommmmm nommm

We also have lemon meringue, strawberry, and chocolate caramel.

French dip, but had no French person dipping it for David.

Some kind of tomato Alfredo chicken dish Dustin ordered.

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