Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hot as a Crotch!! Oh, YEAH!!

Yes, it is so hot that I have referred to the weather to that of a dirty moist crotch of a large fat person. How large and fat? That depends on how hot it gets. The weather should never be anywhere near 100 degrees! If I could have it my way the weather would just stay in the 60s-70s all the time. Winter gurl, where you at? Lazy bitch, get your frosty ass over here!!!! Need you to cool it down up in here.

That reminds me I saw a large XXXL black woman today in the parking lot!!! She has been in the shop before and I can't forget a woman that voluptuous. Last time she wore green and looked like a giant bottle of Sprite, but this time she was in a red muumuu...... I wanted to go moo moo instead. She looked like that giant pitcher of Kool-Aid! That busts through your wall and go "OH, YEAH!!!" But instead she would shoot down your wall and go "OHHH, GURRLL!!" Then steal your sandwich! Oh, yes she will. Cause she crazy and hungry like that. Busting through the walls of American homes and stealing sandwiches from other ppl.

F*&% SODA!!

I still haven't forgotten about Richard & Company! I just moved again and been unpacking this whole time. Just a few more things and I will be moved all in. I think the movers threw away my old beat down computer chair. Even if the back fell off my chair and it became a stool! I could of still used it, but I bought a new chair at Staples today for $40 since it was on sale from $90. Why do chairs even cost that much? I'll try to get the next episode up soon as I can. Also update about that sandwich slap to the face that a certain eyeshadow wearing girl took (we all know who you are).

Oww, my fingers hurt from typing so I'll end it here for now.


KrisZ said...

Wait, where did you move Richard? Is it close enough that we can hang out every Friday like we used to? :D

Rich$Con said...

Nope, still in Hemet :(