Monday, September 12, 2011

I Missed you Internet!

:::TEAR:: After all this time I have finally gotten my internet up and running again. No more borrowing it from the old man next door. Now that I have it there really isn't that much to do..... hmmmmm. lol. Just got to get caught up on my random readings and world news. Much has happened since I last posted for my precious readers.

Do you all know Creepy Sam? Apparently the Gods (one didn't have this much power) have been smiling down on him and blessed him with a....... GIRLFRIEND!!! Can you believe it? It's like you think about it and even laugh about it, but for it to really happen? All the planets and even Pluto must have been aligned this millennium for this to occur. ::Tear:: Out little creepy boy has grown into a little creepy man. A VERY hairy creepy man non the less. I wish them the best and hope Sam will not screw it up. Oops, he already did after a week! I won't go into detail, but do cry over Sam as he has recovered, and they are again back together. It's so much work keeping up with this craziness. That is why I am single. I don't think I have the energy or the patience for a relationship. It all seems to be so much work for not that much I think, but maybe I am wrong (probably not).

Also I have a new title as Queen Taco! I would like to thank my little Princess tacos and may we all have plenty of onions to pass around. Wait, It should of been King Taco...... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

"You better not tell anyone I'm dating Sam!" Oops!


Anonymous said...


Samuel Wall said...