Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sexy Love Advice!

I have been hounded over, and over again for relationship advice from everyone I know. I'm not sure why ppl want advice from me, but I'm usually up to give some. My usual advice is shut the F*** UP! and stop complaining to me! Be lucky you even have someone to complain about. HAHA, just kidding, but seriously just break up if all you ever do is complain about the other person. I've never been in love and really don't see the point of it, nor have much interest. I hope it's because I haven't met the right person yet. But i'm not stressing about it all awake in my bed in the middle of the night trying to figure it out. Relationships take lots of compromise, time and money. I might have the money part, and the time, but bitch I will slap your dumbass upside the head with a sock full of nickles if you try any of that cray cray shit with me.

True happiness is measured by money, and not by this cheap illusion called "love".

I don't think I have the patience for relationships like most of my friends. Couples just seem to fight all the time about dumb stuff, and when I place myself into the fight all I can see myself doing is slapping the other person. Violence is never the answer except when it is done correctly. An example would be a couple that are also martial artists and the fight would be sexy and well choreographed. I'll stay alone for the sake of mankind.

Let's get to some more advice in my new section of the blog where I answer sexually charged question with an even more sexually charged answer!

Question of the night from a sexually loyal reader where I will only reveal with her first name, "Christina"

"Why are men stupid??"

Let me drink from the cup of infinite knowledge first!

HI Kristina! oops,...... Too lazy to correct that. To answer you question about why men are so stupid is very simple. Did you even notice that men have a penis? DID YOU!? Well that is where stupidity leaks from, and because of that men are soak in their own stupidity. A man's real goal in life is to leave their stupidity from their pee pees all over the place. Places such as beds, cars, computer desks, and some random animals. It is the way men are created to balance the world.  If man was to intelligent there would be no need for the woman or the woman's vagina where this stupidity juice is collected and filtered much like a coffee filter. In the end balance is what the world needs and we must do what we can  to keep it from tilting to one side, and the world being thrown into unsexual chaos.

I hope that helps "Christina"!

Send me questions that you would like to be answered, but try to keep it sexual.



Anonymous said...

How do i get boyfriend to masterbating? Help me richard!! Loyalreader69

Anonymous said...

To stop!! Masterbating***

Kaylee said...

If my boyfriend is intimindated by the size of my dildo, should I buy a much smaller one for home to appreciate it?

Rich$Con said...

Such horrible sexy problems!! I will try to answer them the best as I can! So stay tuned for the sexual answers!