Monday, April 18, 2005

It's Only the Beginning!

Scene 1
Many torches running down the sides of a long walkway light a large dark room and the smell of rosemary roasted chicken fills the air. The talking of two huge shadows can be heard and as the camera moves closer their scratchy fat voices can be heard more clearly.

Shadow 1:
Hey! Hey! Hey!

Shadow 2:
Hey! What chu up to now?

Shadow 1:
Nothing much, just ate some old people, babies, chickens, and blew up some buildings you know the usual boring stuff.

Shadow 2:
Awww… sounds like so much fun! Why didn’t you call? Girl…. My ass was
just sitting around and eating hobos off the street, and you know how they are, "Oh.. please don’t eat me… I don’t have anything else but life itself!" Then I’m like " why would your ass even want life if all it’s doing is sitting on the side of a freeway with a cardboard sign asking for handouts?" Then he be like "Damn! that is true, eh eat me then" Ohh.. girl! Hobos they be like the craziest ho’s that have live on the steps of a church.

Shadow 1:
Tru dat sister Mayo Mama.

Large Woman:
Shut the Hell up you dirty fat bitches! I’m here trying to watch my stories. Now get your asses to Earth and hurry up and destroy it, cause mama is hungry and I ain’t gonna be saving you no stir fry midgets if you take too long. We got other bidness in another galaxy. Now git to the go biatches!

Shadow 1&2:
Yes, Our large and delicious Mistress

Scene 2
The scene opens up to a high school next to the ocean and soon zooms in onto one classroom. There a single young blonde girl of the age of sixteen sits in her English class.

(To Herself) OMG! This class is so boring especially with that old hag of a woman. Hehe she kinda looks like Cher, but older, more like a troll, and except that her lady berries are sagging and starting to knock against her knees. Hmm…. so not really like Cher I guess. More like something you would find at a shelter and try to set fire to. Ohh Lil you are too much.
The bell rings and the students and the students go into a pushing rage. Kids are knock down and stepped on as they all struggle to get out of the classroom. In all there were two deaths, but they were foreign exchange students so no one really noticed or cared.

Hey! Cracker! You glad it’s summer vacation?

Ohh sweet wrathful God yes. Now I can get started with my reading. I’ve bought all theses books and haven’t had any time to read them.

Yeah, you go read your stanky old book. I gotsa go and get my hair did tomorrow at Big Mama Hair Shack. My weaves be getting all crusty and ghetto, I think they even started to fall out. This is why I don’t take showers! All that water made my hair enhancements moldy and green.

Yeah, your hair does look like someone put fried snakes on top of your head and then they exploded in a stinky mess.

Bitch! No you didn’t just get your meat on my grill. Uh ugh … best be getting that off my grill cause it ain’t gonna cook on my grill :Snap: :Snap:

Girl! Shay Shay! You know that I just play with chu, don’t get your ham hocks in a knot.

Aight then, you still my little cracker. Ohh.. we gonna be late meeting Kevin. Lets get on the go go.

The ground then suddenly starts to shake and the gym’s roof explodes right off, sending parts of the roof in all directions. The flaming rubble hits many classrooms and it is assumed that many are injured or killed. A piece of rubble comes flying at Shay, but nearly misses her, but sets her hair on fire. She runs around screaming while Lil just stands there in shock at the fiery scene. Shay finally puts out the hair fire in a toilet, but the toilet was not flushed so she had an extra surprise in her hair. Lets just say that it was not one of her original hair snakes.

Oh Damn, Damn, Damn! What the hell was all of that mess?

I don’t really know, but we should be helping the injured or something like that, right?

F*** that S***! Im’ma get my black ass out of this. Sweet Jesus! What did I do to deserve this? I only pushed that girl down the stairs once. We’ll she did try to take them ear rings I wanted. Yeah, that bitch deserved that push, and I did get a good laugh. Hmmm.. Good Times!

Shay! Shut up! We can’t just leave the…. Oh Crap! Is that Kevin?

A young guy comes running waving his arms in the air at the two girls. Kevin is another close friend and the two girls are overwhelmed to see that he was all right.

(More Will Be Posted Later)

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