Friday, December 17, 2010

PELE! Goddess of Dustin's People! Bless HIM!

Nope, Nope, Shoobie Doobie Doooooo...

I would like to wish another friend HAPPY B-DAY!!!! Dustin TAMA-CHANNNN!!!! To quote Dustin, "Nope, nope, nope!" Sorry, ladies! Dustin doesn't play on your team. If he was to play sports, let's say softball (hehe) i'm not sure if his position would be catcher or pitcher. I guess it's good to be versatile (hehe). Matter of fact I don't think Dustin likes sports other than watching Rupaul's Drag Race. I'm not sure how old he now, just that it is probably close to 37 or something. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm usually not on these things. Dustin is the older sister type in that he's older, nothing else. I bet the whole state of Hawaii has a holiday in his honor. Throwing virgins and coconuts into the volcano to appease the horny goddess. Pele! Goddess of the volcanoes and Dustin's tan people, bless him with success and joy! For he is your son made of the brown soil of your lovely island lady lumps which spew out molten lava milk from your warm mounds!!

I hope that David gets you a giant shaved ice cake for your b-day, and if not what kind of gf is he? Not one that appreciates your shaved ice culture with your loco moco like I do. Loco moco is a plate of rice w/ a hamburger patty on top covered in gravy. Hmmmmm.... now I want loco moco w/ shaved ice for dessert. What was I talking about again?


KrisZ said...

Ha ha ha, Dustin is awesome. I hope he gets to see your post about him.

Rich$Con said...

He has no choice, but to see it.

KrisZ said...

Richard, threats don't work when it comes to reading blogs.