Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2011, Year of the Rabbit...or Cat?

I'm year of the delicious beef.

2011 is approaching fast and I need some resolutions! Yet, what should they be? I am already such a nice person that if I was even more nice the balance of the world would tip into chaos. IS this what the Mayans were talking about for 2012?! I think it was the Mayans or was it the Aztecs? or the Jalapenos? Who really knows what the future will bring, but I do know that you do have some control over it. So if you don't want to get pregnant then you should probably not open them legs, and have a penis fall into it. Then fall back out then in again. That's what you must not do. Good thing that can't happen to me. It better not happen to me. I am not wearing stretch pants.

Talking about pants, don't you just hate people who wear skinny jeans? Girls I can maybe understand (what I can't understand is wearing Uggs and a mini skirt). But guys who wear them are just stupid. Why would you want to show off your scrawny ass chicken legs? Balls so tight in there cheese starts to grow. Maybe I am jealous, or maybe I know better. I don't have chicken legs(more like turkey legs), but I do eat and enjoy chicken legs at dim sum restaurants.

Year of the Cat is not amused.

Back to the new year! 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Apparently it is the cat that replaces the rabbit in the Vietnamese zodiac. Since the symbol for rabbit sounds like cat in Viet. it got translated that way. Wikipedia you better not be lying to me about this. I can't take anymore lies from random websites. I would rather have a year of the cat thought, but there is already a giant pussy on the zodiac. Year of the tiger is already there and one loud pussy is enough. It even has fangs. Who is from the year of the rabbit? I know a few and they are not the luckiest ones. Better care a rabbit foot around with you. I wonder how they both taste? Mmmmm...Hot pot.

What should some of my resolutions be for the coming year? More school? being more sexy? Find a sugar daddy? Not make fun of Arnoldo and Sam as much? Hmmm.. too many choices.


KrisZ said...

People break resolutions easily, so why don't you have a resolution that is easy, like have a travel show with Veronica? I can see it now, Rich and V in Japan.

Rich$Con said...

I don't think Japan will ever be ready for us. I want to travel so bad.

KrisZ said...

Yeah, Japan can't handle your concentrated awesome. One day we will go over there for Comiket and get contained by local authorities because they can't handle the Phon.